processing.compression.get_compression_level(img, img_file)

Given an image and its file name, return the compression level

:param img: the image object :param img_file: The name of the image file :return: The quality of the image.

processing.compression.get_psnr(original, compressed)

Compute the PSNR of the compressed image and the original image

:param original: The original image :param compressed: The compressed image :return: the PSNR value for the two images.

processing.compression.get_ssim(original, compressed)

Compute the SSIM of the compressed image and the original image

:param original: The original image :param compressed: The compressed image :return: the SSIM value for the two images.

processing.compression.get_mse(original, compressed)

Compute the MSE of the compressed image and the original image

:param original: The original image :param compressed: The compressed image :return: the MSE value for the two images.


Given a matrix, format it to a string with commas between the numbers

:param matrix: the matrix to be formatted :return: a string of the matrix with commas and spaces.


Convert a matrix of integers to floats, perform the DCT on the matrix, then convert the result back to integers

:param matrix: The matrix to be converted :return: a matrix of the same size as the input matrix.


The function dec_inverse_dct() is the inverse of the function dec_dct(). It takes a string

representation of a matrix as input and returns a matrix representation of the inverse DCT

:param matrix: The matrix to be processed :return: the inverse DCT of the input matrix.


Given a 2D array, return a new 2D array with the array values repeated twice along the first axis (axis=0) and twice along the second axis (axis=1)

:param array: the array to be repeated :return: The upSampled image.

processing.compression.tile(img, d, img_name)

This function is used to split the image into tiles and save them in a folder.

:param img: the image to be compressed :param d: The size of the tiles :param img_name: the name of the image to be processed

processing.compression.write_bloc_in_cell(img, img2)

This procedure is used to set DCT data in cells and save IDCT Tiles in folder.

:param img: :param img2:

Letztes Update: 12. Oktober 2022
Erstellt: 12. Oktober 2022